Healthy Living Tips
from the Villa Assisted Living Care Team
Assisted Living Can Help after a Rehab Stay
If you, or a loved one, has had a medical setback, a hospital stay, and perhaps a stay at a nursing home or rehab center, BUT your discharge planner has advised that you shouldn’t return home, an assisted living stay could be your next best step in your healing journey.
Continued Rehab in an Assisted Living Setting
Congratulations, you’ve made progress in your therapy program! You can continue your rehab success in our assisted living community.
To get started, upon discharge from your SNF/rehab, your doctor will need to give orders to a Home Health Care company to visit you in your assisted living community and continue your therapy program. The Wellness Director at an assisted living community will work with you, the home health company and the assisted living center to continue your physical therapy program.
Your stay can be a short-term respite stay until you fully return to your independent lifestyle, or you could become a permanent resident with all the care of the facility.

How Villa Assisted Living Can Support a Senior’s Independence
You’ve reached your milestones in therapy and have been permitted to discharge. However, you’re advised if you return home, you might struggle with daily tasks such as taking out the trash, going grocery shopping, and maintaining your weight by eating nutritional meals. Plus, if you no longer drive, you might be isolated at home.
How can Villa Assisted Living setting support your independence?
Villa Assisted Living
Villa Assisted Living is a social setting that makes it easy to connect with new friends over breakfast or lunch.
Villa promotes easy indoor walks from apartments to dining and activities that help residents stay physically active, in a safe environment.
Villa provides planned activities that include mental stimulation, social engagement, physical exercise, and education.
Villa provides private apartments that are comfortable places for some quiet time of rest and relaxation.
Villa staff plan menus, shop for food, cook your meals, and clean the dishes.
Villa staff clean your bathrooms, vacuum your carpets, scrub your kitchenette, do your laundry, and take out the trash.
Villa staff will handle all the home repairs and yard work.
Villa provides reminders to help residents get the full benefit of their medications and avoid the risks of forgetting or doubling-up.
Villa staff can help you remember your doctor’s appointments and take you there.
Villa staff can help you safely take a shower, get dressed, and get ready to enjoy the day.
Villa staff keep a gentle eye out for your safety and well-being, giving peace of mind to your family.
Post Rehab
Once you are discharged from Rehab, you can benefit from a more supportive living environment in the ways enumerated above. This daily support can help you focus on your healing.
To download a list of these benefits, click to download out “Is it Time for Assisted Living?” eBook to share with family members.
Thank you to Senior Allegiance Home Care for providing these Healthy Living Senior Tips for our Villa Assisted Living seniors in Corpus Christi, Texas.
For more Information, call Anayeli Betancourt-Reynoso RN at Senior Allegiance at 713-975-1519 or
or Executive Directors Karen Thomas (Villa South) at 361-991-3252 or Patricia Torres RN (Villa Northwest) at 361-242-9446 or
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