Villa South logo

4834 Yorktown Blvd. Corpus Christi, TX 78413
Country  Club Area

Villa Northwest

2822 Robby St. Corpus Christi, TX 78410
Annaville Area

Affordable Care + Living

Once you’ve made the decision that assisted living is the right choice for you, the next natural question is how to pay for it. Assisted living can be similar, and in some cases, less than the cost of maintaining a healthy, happy lifestyle in your own home.

Villa communities are an economical residence option in the Corpus Christi area. Your monthly rate includes your residence, utilities, meals, care, security, and entertainment. One price for everything! The Villas are unique with our all-inclusive pricing that includes meals, housekeeping, laundry, activities PLUS care services. Families won’t have surprise month-end care charges often experienced at other assisted/memory care communities.

Villa assisted living and memory monthly costs range from $1,995 – $4,400 per month depending upon your individual care choices and Villa community selected. We offer the most affordable rates, especially for memory care.

  • Villa South is a private pay residence that offers the amenities necessary to provide for a resident’s daily living.
  • Villa Northwest accepts state-assisted and private pay residents. We work with the Medicaid waiver program and with our state referrals for patients transferring to skilled nursing care.

Our unique model means that you won’t have to change residence if your needs change. You can increase services after an illness or surgery if needed.

Note: Medicare covers assisted living for short-term rehabilitation only.

Resource links:

9 Smart Ways to Cover Assisted Living Costs, by Melanie Haiken, Health Journalist.

Limited Specials ~ 2 Offers

For a limited time, The Villas has two special offers for residents who move in with a spouse or in conjunction with a friend.

  • Spouses sharing a large studio receive a 50% discount to the normal monthly fee for the first 6 months of occupancy for the 2nd resident.
  • Two or more friends who move in within a month of each other to two different apartments will receive a 10% monthly fee discount each for the first year of occupancy.

To learn more or visit The Villa communities, call Kat Akin at Villa South at 361-446-1829 (4834 Yorktown Blvd 78413) or Sandy Mireles at Villa Northwest at 361-242-9446 (2822 Robby St 78410) to schedule a visit.

Compare the Value

Use the calculator below to quickly and easily calculate the incredible value of life at Villa Retirement Community. Simply input your monthly expenses and hit the ‘calculate’ button.


Rent/Mortgage and assessments

Real estate taxes

Home maintenance including changing light bulbs and basic repairs

In home care(assistance bathing, grooming, emergency on call service etc..)

Basic utilities including electricity, heat, AC, and water

Three balanced meals per day

Scheduled transportation

Housekeeping service every week

Lawn maintenance/landscaping

A variety of inspiring social, educational, and cultural programs

Fitness classes

Safety and piece of mind services including safety checks and overnight security

Considering a move to Assisted Living?


Download our FREE ebook. This guide will help you identify payment options to cover your long-term care needs.

How to pay for assisted Living ebook

Villa Communities

A community for where you are now, and for changing needs in the future. 

Villa South Logo

Country Club Area, Corpus Christi TX

Villa Northwest Logo

Annaville Area, Corpus Christi TX