Healthy Living Tips


from the Villa Assisted Living Care Team

Profile on An Alternative to Realtor Listings in Selling Mom or Dad’s home: Happy Heart Homes

Families often contact Villa Assisted Living looking for senior living options, but then pose questions to Executive Directors Mary Martinez (Villa South) and Tonda Johnson (Villa Northwest) beyond assisted living and memory care. Such questions might include How do I establish Power of AttorneyHow to Sell My HomeHow to access Medicaid for Assisted Living. For this reason, Villa has developed its Senior Resource Guide to be a community resource for families on a variety of senior-related questions.

Unique Home Selling Option

Our current Resource Partner profile is Lisa Edwards, Principal of Happy Heart Homes, a local real estate solutions company. Like the company name, this company takes a unique, “above and beyond” approach that not only buys homes, but becomes a trusted resource on a variety of senior-related topics, such as avoiding probate with a Transfer on Death Deed, avenues to find out more about power of attorney, probate, estate sales etc. 

  Happy Heart Homes buys both beautiful and not so beautiful houses quickly that can be especially helpful for a senior (and their family) moving into assisted living.   

  • What do you do with the house when Mom or Dad can no longer live alone
  • The house needs updates and repairs, costing time and money you(they) don’t have. They buy as-is; you don’t need to do a single repair or update.
  • There are so many belongings left in the house, and you are not sure what to do with them. They can help in arranging an estate sale and then disposing of anything left – usually donating to Goodwill.

In today’s market selling to a real estate investment company can make sense. The sale is quick and Happy Heart Homes can take care of most everything. You pay no commissions or fees to sell Mom or Dad’s home. They pay ordinary closing costs.

How is Happy Heart Homes different from a Real Estate Agent?

Real estate agents list properties and hope that someone will buy them. Presently, there is a glut of properties on the market and buyers are still nervous about buying with high interest rates and the uncertainty in this economy. The average time to sell a property in many Texas markets right now is 6-9 months.  As you know, the seller is expected to pay compensation as a percent of the sales price when you work with a real estate agent. Commonly a 5-6% of the sales price (so if it’s a $100,000 house, you’ll pay between $5,000 –$6,000 in commissions to an agent. Agents provide a great service for those that can wait to sell their house and have the money to bring the house whole with repairs or updates.  Happy Heart Homes actually buys your house. They buy the home themselves with cash. They can make a decision to buy your house within a couple days (sometimes the same day).  They make their living by taking the risk of buying the house with their own cash, repairing the house, and market it themselves to find a buyer.

When Happy Heart Homes buys mom or dad’s house you pay no commissions, no fees, in fact, they will pay the ordinary closing costs when the house is purchased.  Retail buyers will contract to buy mom’s house and then get inspections and either ask you to pay for a bunch of repairs or ask you to reduce the purchase price to cover those repairs. Happy Heart Homes will do a ‘walk through’ inspection before writing an offer. Simple and straightforward. 

Personal Background

Lisa grew up in Boston, initially escaping to the warm weather of Florida before settling in Corpus Christi. She came with a group of friends as a travel nurse. After years in the frigid New England winters, Lisa loved being able to wear shorts and enjoy windsurfing!

Retiring after a 30-year career in nursing, Lisa met her partner Colin, a general contractor, and started Happy Heart Homes in 2014 to offer an alternate service to families navigating a real estate transaction and the complications of next steps for an aging relative. Says Lisa, “We work well together with our combined skill sets. We do a lot of counseling that we do not get paid for, as our goal is to listen and recommend what’s favorable to our client.” 

We love our seniors!

Happy Heart Home specializes in solving real estate problems… especially ones that pose a financial burden on you and your loved ones. They can help solve most any financial problem that real estate throws at you. They are generous with their time when mom, dad or the adult children need a solution to their real estate problem. Many times they act as the go between siblings to settle things out.

Lisa is also a realtor and can list your home in the traditional way, if this is your best solution. 

Although, Happy Heart Homes is located in Corpus Christi, they have an extensive network of trusted referral—investors and realtors if your family has a home pretty much anywhere in Texas.

Happy Heart Homes likes to make things simple and straight forward in selling your Mom or Dad’s house.

Contact Lisa for a no-obligation discussion about your situation. Empower yourself with knowledge of the real estate market AND YOUR OPTIONS. They can help you figure out what works for you. Call 361-695-1943. 

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Senior Resource Guide Corpus Christi

Villa has developed a Senior Resource Guide to be a community resource for families on questions beyond assisted living. 

Click to Download
Senior Resource Guide

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Annaville Area, Corpus Christi TX